Jan 11, 2012

Revolutionary Girl Utena Episode 10: "Nanami's Precious Thing"

Just like promised we got another review up!
We should have another up later
Two if you're lucky
And then of course more tomorrow

Saionji being expelled.


Is it really too much to ask for two good episodes in a row? This episode was just dull and boring. We learn about Nanami's past and how she is an animal killer (lol PETA's gonna be PISSED). She basically taped a cat into a box and threw it into a raging river and the tape failed and the box opened right as the box went over a huge waterfall with rapids and who knows what else at the bottom basically ending that poor kitten's life. And she did it because her brother liked the cat more than her. I like the dead ant I stepped on last week more than I like Nanami, so I can understand her brother's distaste for her. Touga somehow has the authority to make random people duelists and so he makes his sister a duelist and she fights Utena and Utena is victorious within like ten seconds (because Nanami hasn't dueled a day in her life so there really was no hope) but then Nanami goes crazy and pulls out all these random swords and tries to actually kill Utena. But Touga saves the day (yet again).

Touga helps Utena after Nanami slaps her.


The spinning rose at the climatic point of the duel has returned. Dislike.

Nanami attacks Utena and Anthy at Touga's birthday party.


The insert songs made their reappearance and even though the duel was split by a scene of Nanami's past it was still necessary for the insert songs to play at both parts of the duel. That makes me so irritated. Also, the ending theme played twice. Why? Who knows? More questions yet to never be answered.

Young Nanami hits Young Touga's cat.


I try not to use vulgar language on this blog, but when there is an extreme situation it just can't be helped. That situation is now. Nanami is a bitch. Touga is a devious little liar that has played with everybody's minds. Utena is going emo. And Anthy is watching all of this go down. And Saionji has been expelled in the most pointless departure scene in the history of frever.

Utena -vs- Nanami


This episode receives a C. It was so dull and boring and nothing was answered, yet again. It appears that every episode with Nanami as a main focus tends to suck. Coincidence? I think not!

Young Nanami drowns the cat.

~prediction diary~

-This arc of the story is coming to an end
-Touga will duel Utena
-We will learn more about Anthy and some questions will (hopefully) be answered

Stay tuned for next episode's review~

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