Jan 2, 2012

Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica Episode 7: "Can You Face Your True Feelings?"

Kyuube shows Sayaka true pain in her Magical form.

I'm so sick right now.
And it sucks.
But this episode doesn't ;D
Spoilers are below.

Sayaka stays in bed all day instead of going to school.


We learn of Kyoko's horrible (which could be expected) past today. It's presentation to me seemed like it was trying too hard to be sad so it came off as forced to me. It was a really good past (well.... not good but... you know what I mean!) but it doesn't even come close to how tragic Mami's past was. Hitomi suddenly has this love for Kyosuke and is going to tell him but before that she tells Sayaka that she is going to tell him but is going to give Sayaka the chance to tell him first. LOL I don't know either. Sayaka has finally gone over the deep end here. She has literally lost her mind. 

Kyoko brings Sayaka to her father's old church and tells her of her past.


The art in today's witch battle used a silhouette effect which looked totally AWESOME. It really added to the scene and it really emphasized how just out of control Sayaka was becoming. It also just looked visually stunning and is probably the best witch scene that we've seen yet (best visually that means). The art in Kyoko's past was similar to the very early witch scenes but it was more awkward and didn't seem to fit and really made her past hard to enjoy.

Hitomi tells Sayaka over coffee that she is going to confess her to love to Kyosuke.


The background songs are getting noticably more and more sad as the days go on. Not a single happy track was played today.

Sayaka cries while hugging Madoka.


Kyoko is starting to become slightly more likable now that we understand why she is the way she is, but she's still definitely not a favorite. Her morals are still way out of whack. The way she tries to force her thinking onto Sayaka is just dumb and shows that she thinks she's top dog.  Madoka seems to be the only sane person around here (maybe because she's not a magical girl XD). Hitomi, who was already disliked, has hit rock bottom on the liking scale today. What she's doing to Sayaka is just utter horse crap. A true friend would never tell their friend that they like the person that their friend is obviously in love with. AND THEN tell that friend that they have one day to confess their love before they personally do it themself. Hitomi - you're not a friend, you're a slut. If I was Sayaka I woulda jumped over that table and beat her little face into the ground until she drowned on her own blood. Homura gives more advice again today but once again nobody listens even though she has been pretty much 100% correct on EVERYTHING else she's given advice on. Will nobody ever learn?? Sayaka is obviously losing her mind. She's starting to realize the mistake she made by wishing for Kyosuke's recovery because he obviously doesn't give her a thought whlie she is still madly in love with him. That poor poor girl. And I still hate Kyuube.

Sayaka fighting the Witch.


This episode receives a solid A. While it wasn't as actiony and intense as previous episodes, it had so much new information and moved at such a fast pace that it was still enjoyable and one of the better episodes. It just didn't have that "OMG" factor to push it to an A+.  

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